* ADANI ENTERPRISES: Promoter Adani Agro has offered to sell 8.5 mln shares of the company via an offer for sale.

* CAIRN INDIA: No oil and gas discovery at fourth well in Sri Lanka block.

* DISA INDIA: To pay 2.50 rupees per share dividend.

* EIH ASSOCIATED HOTELS: High Court of Judicature at Madras has sanctioned the scheme of amalgamation of Island Hotel Maharaj with company.

* FAME INDIA: Shareholders have approved the merger of the company and its arms, Fame Motion Pictures, Big Pictures Hospitality Services, and Headstrong Films, with parent company INOX LEISURE.

* ITD CEMENTATION INDIA : The company board has recommended a dividend of 2 rupees per share.

* MAHINDRA & MAHINDRA: Will raise prices of sport utility vehicles to pass on the hike in excise duty on such vehicles, a company source said.

* ORIENT GREEN POWER CO: Shriram Industrial Holdings' open offer for 26% in the company will begin on Apr 22 and end May 7.

* PANAMA PETROCHEM: Will buyback shares worth up to 179 mln rupees at maximum price of 160 rupees a share. The offer will open on Mar 20, and close Feb 13, 2014.

* STATE BANK OF INDIA: Has decided to revise the interest rates on Non Resident External/Non Resident Ordinary deposits for the tenors of '1 year and up to 10 years' to 8.75% per annum with effect from today.

* TATA MOTORS: Plans to hike prices of its sport utility vehicles after the government raised the excise duty on the segment by 300 basis points.

* TRIBHOVANDAS BHIMJI ZAVERI: Will be opening its first store in Raipur , Chhattisgarh, today.